Angie Hough

Where did you attend school/college/university?

Missouri State University – BS in Dietetics and Business Administrative Management

University of North Dakota – Dietary Manager’s Certification

University of Louisiana at Lafayette – Master’s in Business Administration with a focus in Health Care Administration (in progress)

Were there any significant experiences or influences during your education that shaped your career or personal life?

Food and nutrition are the basis for everything in life. Scientifically, nutrition and how it affects all systems in our body fascinates me. Adding in the strong social connection we have with food and families/communities, food service has provided an outlet for my caring, nurturing nature to thrive.

What is your current job title and role?

Certified Dietary Manager: Along with my staff, we strive to serve appealing, nutritious meals. My role is to manage all stages of food prep, from the dock to the plate, and monitor nutrition acceptance by the residents, altering individual meals to fit their needs.

Can you describe your career journey and key milestones?

I started out in fast food/quick service, but after 15 years, I found my passion within the healthcare field. I combined my love for food and my experience in business management, obtaining my certification in 2004 and my bachelor’s degree with dual focuses in 2011. I am currently pursuing my MBA.

What are your hobbies and interests outside of work?

I enjoy trips and activities with my kids, diamond painting, reading great thriller/mystery novels, and baking.

If you could have dinner with any three people, dead or alive, who would they be and why?

Honestly, if I could have dinner with my parents and my Eddie once more, I would thank each of them for their unconditional love and support, their lessons, their advice, and overall, their presence. Never was there a moment I felt I couldn’t accomplish whatever I set my mind to. Each encouraged me to show the world what I could do, but most importantly, to believe in myself.