Janet Garner

Where did you attend school/college/university?

Miller High School

Were there any significant experiences or influences during your education that shaped your career or personal life?

I can’t think of anything specific, but I was blessed to have many excellent teachers.

What is your current job title and role?

Activities Director: To help our residents have a quality life.

Can you describe your career journey and key milestones?

Through various circumstances, I’ve always felt that God led me to my employment here at LCM. I started in October 2006, making beds and putting supplies in rooms. In 2013, I moved to activities while also taking CNA classes. I worked part-time as an activities assistant and part-time as a CNA in the special care unit. In 2016, I became the activities director.

What are your hobbies and interests outside of work?

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my family.

If you could have dinner with any three people, dead or alive, who would they be and why?

Billy Graham: I always wanted to meet him. He is such a Godly man, and I loved to hear him preach.

Jonathan Roumie: He plays Jesus in “The Chosen.” I would like to ask him what effect playing Jesus has had on his life.

Jesus: This needs no explanation. Being a born-again Christian, I know that I will get to have dinner with Him one day.