Tina Howard

Where did you attend school/college/university?

Mt. Vernon High School

Were there any significant experiences or influences during your education that shaped your career or personal life?

My high school history teacher, Mr. Falmer, taught about the Civil War activity in and around Mt. Vernon, including the Union trenches at Truitt Creek on Highway 39 north of Mt. Vernon. These trenches run within 30 feet of my home on Truitt Creek. This to me is awesome!

What is your current job title and role?

Business Office Manager, Payroll HR, Interior Decorator, Fun Friday Coordinator, and whatever else I’m needed for!

Can you describe your career journey and key milestones?

I’m in my 11th year of employment at LCM. I started as a Payroll Clerk and was promoted to Business Office Manager. I love working here!

What are your hobbies and interests outside of work?

Riding our Harley and side by side with my husband Bobby, son, daughter, and grandkids.

If you could have dinner with any three people, dead or alive, who would they be and why?

Elvis: I’ve loved him my whole life and have had an Elvis room in every house I’ve lived in.

Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump: Together, they are two men who love and are devoted to the American people. They are the two greatest American Presidents in my lifetime.